MYLEAGUE AND MYGM BLOGS NBA2K19 from buzai232's blog

Hello everyone! As always, this is Erick Boenisch, Senior Producer for NBA 2K19. Can you believe it has already been a year since we last did this? On the heels of a very successful nba 2k19 mt, MyLEAGUE and MyGM are back, and both are (way) better than ever. Dave Z and his team have done a fantastic job this year executing on the feature set that, through various mediums, you have all requested.

The team here at Visual Concepts spends an inordinate amount of time consuming feedback from you, our consumers. We read the forums, follow through social, and study emails and letters sent from our fans all around the globe. For me, personally, I find the information incredibly valuable. There are two approaches you can take when designing a game. You can force your own personal agenda for the game onto the fans (which may or may not be want the fans want), or you can just take their direct feedback and apply all of that to the game. I’m a big fan of the latter.

I always like to say, this isn’t our game, this is YOUR game. Why guess what your fans want when they tell you loud and clear what they want? We introduced MyLEAGUE Online into our feature set back in NBA 2K16. It was a very well received mode that proved to be quite stable. NBA 2K17 saw a big step forward with the concept of an offseason surrounded by the drafting of players and general player movement. In hindsight,

I’d say there was a 50/50 split between fans who really enjoyed the simplicity of playing multiple seasons with their friends, and those who were not big fans of the ‘Keeper’ approach, even if they enjoyed it more than our offering in NBA 2K16. For NBA 2K19, we invested a considerable amount of time into MyLEAGUE Online with a unified singular goal: Bring everything that is offline directly into MyLEAGUE Online. This means financials/contracts, league expansion, and every other related detail that has been omitted from previous editions. The team did a marvelous job on this goal; the only item that didn’t make it over is in-season Player Training. Everything else is in. Let’s get into some more details on this…

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