Airline ticket secrets: How to get the best value from buzai232's blog

Searching for the cheapest airfare may be the most popular way of deciding on a flight, 澳門到上海機票 but secret extras baked right into the ticket may bring extra value to your booking, no matter how much you paid. Follow these three lessons to ensure that you're maximizing the value of a travel booking for more than just the flight alone.

1. Know the code A single letter of the alphabet lets the airline know where in the hierarchy of airfares your ticket ranks. This is known as the fare basis code, and though passengers typically overlook it, this miniscule mark is the key to unlocking important information regarding your booking, including how easy it is to make a change to the ticket, how eligible you are for an upgrade and how many frequent flier miles may be earned.

Airlines do not make it easy to research fare codes, as they are often in the fine print, but taking an extra minute to locate and research what it means for your ticket can make all the difference. Matthew Ma, co-founder of airfare sale website The Flight Deal, is an advocate for understanding fare codes, and makes a point of including the code information with each deal post. As Ma tells CNN Travel: "Knowing the fare code means knowing whether or not the ticket you just purchased will earn frequent flier miles, which help you to see more of the world for less."

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