Best Time to Buy Thanksgiving Flights in 2018 from buzai232's blog

At Skyscanner, we crunched the data from years past to reveal the best time to book Thanksgiving flights for the 2018 holiday. If you haven't booked yet, get your credit card ready, because we're currently in crunch time for Thanksgiving flights!Cheap Flights from Bangkok to Shanghai

Based on 2017 booking data from 60+ million monthly users, here is some useful information on the best time to buy flights for Thanksgiving 2018. We took a look the range of prices people paid for Thanksgiving flights in 2017 to give some insight on what flight prices may be around the end-of-year holidays. The average price was $528. The majority of travelers who booked with Skyscanner found flights for cheaper than average, with the largest group booking flights in the $300-400 range. The average search lead-time is 53 days out on September 30. Interested in traveling to Denver over Thanksgiving? Book on Sunday to save on your flight! Want to travel to Miami? Book on Friday for top flight savings. Find the cheapest day to book your flight to trending Thanksgiving destinations below.?

Bear in mind, last year’s Thanksgiving was on Thursday, November 23rd. Overwhelming, the Wednesday right before Thanksgiving (Nov. 22nd) was one of the busiest days across most destinations to fly for the holiday. Beware of last minute flights and plan accordingly for long security lines! Each Friday prior to Thanksgiving was naturally busy as well (Friday the 10th and 17th of November).

The Sunday before Thanksgiving (Nov. 19th) proved to be one of the least busy dates to travel across destinations. Tuesday the 14th of November and Sunday the 12th of November were low traffic days, as well, if you plan on taking an extended Thanksgiving vacation! If one of these destination cities happens to actually be your return city, Saturday November 25th was a low traffic day after Thanksgiving.

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