FIFA 19 Review from buzai232's blog

FIFA 19 Review FIFA is comprised of two major player bases: those that play Ultimate Team, and those that don’t. The latter group has often felt underappreciated by EA Sports, and once again with fifa ultimate team coins it has every reason to. I probably play over 500 hours of FIFA every year. Of those, only about five are spent in Ultimate Team – a mode primarily designed to eke those £s out of you. I spend most of the year restarting a career mode with Manchester United every time they lose. This year confirms what I feared for career mode players like myself: “Hey, look! Champion’s League! That’s it!”. The FIFA 19 beta came along and slowly, word got out that career mode was practically unchanged, as was Pro Clubs. When Konami announced that it would not be renewing the Champions League and Europa League licenses for PES, FIFA players knew that could only mean EA would announce the partnership at E3. It’s an addition that could be truly great, sure, but my fear was that EA Sports would merely do a bit of a reskin and add some new commentary. Sadly, that’s exactly what it feels like. Every time FIFA gets a new feature off the pitch, there’s a sense of “is that the best you could do?”. Frankly, everything could do with a little bit more effort and thought put into it. The Journey, FIFA’s story mode, makes a return in FIFA 19, giving us the final part of Alex Hunter’s journey. This year though, he’s joined by two more characters: you’ll also play as Kim Hunter and Danny Williams. While they’re playable briefly in FIFA 18, they take more centre stage alongside Alex in FIFA 19 with dialogue choices, training, and matches. It’s moved slightly away from being about Alex Hunter and his immediate family. Being able to spend more time with Kim as a playable character offers some more welcome representation of women’s football, but I can’t help but feel that Danny’s inclusion feels a little like spoiling the

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