High Quality Steroids Powder Sunifiram / Dm-235 (314728-85-3) Powerful Nootropic from buzai232's blog

Sunifiram (DM-235) is a piperazine derived ampakine drug which acts as a positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors, and has nootropic effects in animal studies with significantly higher potency than piracetam. A number of related compounds are known, the best known being unifiram (DM-232).Sunifiram powder

Sunifiram is one of the newest nootropics on the market to smart drugs family. It is considered to be in the ampakine family of supplements. It increases one's attention span, decision making, and learning abilities. Although it is believed to work much like Piracetam, it is highly potent in comparison. The structure is similar, but some have reported Sunifiram being 1000 times more potent. In terms of its potency, it's comparable to Noopept.
It is being researched as a memory enhancer, potentially treating Alzheimer's patients. It provides a wide variety of benefits including; increased attention span, improved focus, and increased learning potential. It has become very popular since its release, as the benefits are high and the side-effects are low.

How to Use Sunifiram:
Sunifiram is extremely potent, so small doses should be taken. It has been said that it works best when taken sublingually. This means that users place it under their tongue for administration. This will generally be a little scoop of powder. Some users have experienced a slight tingling, as you would with a breath mint. Ingestion has been reported as easy.
Start with the smallest dose, seeing how you feel. Most users report feeling the effects within an hour of administration. You can always increase your dosage after a week or so. Since dosing is still being studied, do not exceed 10 mg. Use it sparingly or choose to cycle your doses. This means that you will cycle 'on' and 'off.' Spreading out your doses over the course of the week, and then taking a break.
When purchasing online, you may notice that Sunifiram costs slightly more than other nootropics. Keep in mind that the dosage is much smaller than other nootropics. You only need a little to achieve big results. This is due to the potency offered.

Sunifiram activates AMPA-mediated neurotransmission.
Enhancing LTP in a bell-shaped dose-response relationship.
Sunifiram aids in the release of acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex.
Sunifiram increases energy levels, allowing users to feel more motivated and eliminate
Sunifiram increase Levels of concentration increase, and users feel less distracted by external stimuli.
Sunifiram also enhances long-term potentiation, which is the forming of new connections regarding memory storage.
Sunifiram has some anxiolytic benefits. Feeling more relaxed is beneficial when trying to focus.

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