Homebrew deca durabolin nandrolone decanoate powder recipe: from buzai232's blog

Athletes use Deca-Durabolin for muscle buildup and during bulking part of preparation for a contest because Deca promotes protein synthesis although other side of coin is water retention in the body. The dosage for men lies between 200 - 600 mg per week, the most common option is 400 mg. Scientific studies have shown that the best results can be achieved with 4 mg per 1 kg (2 mg/pound) of body weight. At a dosage below 200 mg per week, the anabolic effects is very weak. 200-600mg - anabolic effects growth rapidly with dosage. If dosage exceeds 600 mg / week, anabolic effect is still no more than effect of 600 mg but side effects start killing all positive ones, so this dosage is not advisable. 1000mg is not better than 600 mg. Beginners should use 200 mg/week, max 400 mg/week. Inject deca-duraboline (nandrolone decanoate) in equal dosages twice a week deep in muscles, preferably buttocks.Nandrolone Undecanoate powder
Deca Durabolin Cycle for cutting reviews:
Deca Durabolin may be used alone. Some athletes use it alone, claiming that results are excellent. But the most of sportspersons prefer stacking it with other performance-enhancing drugs in order to maximize potential benefits and reduce side effects. Reviewing description of different Deca Durabolin cycles, you can see that this preparation serves as a basic steroid for numerous cycles.

We find it useful to present some phases which may be applied with Deca Durabolin and certain other medications. If you want to add significant muscle mass, you may stack Deca Durabolin with Testoviron Depot and Dianabol. Those that have ever utilized this course report that it is an effective cycle to increase muscle size.

Trying to choose a Deca Durabolin cycle, you should take into account that some stacks are suitable just for advanced users. So, novices should be very careful in order to prevent applying a phase which could cause harm in them. There are such combinations which are appropriate for intermediate consumers of steroids. Others are proper for beginners. Women should also know that some Deca Durabolin cycles which are suitable for men may be harmful for women. Thus, these conditions should be considered.

Now let present description of a Deca Durabolin cycle which may be applied for novices. Essential muscle mass and strength can be acquired with the help of this phase. Deca Durabolin, Sustanon and Dianabol are drugs which should be taken during this course. This stack is effective for bulking effects. Why is this combination efficacious? Sustanon and Dianabol increase muscle mass and strength obviously. As for Deca Durabolin, it produces two functions in this stack: it adds muscle mass and strength; it also solidifies gains acquired with the help of Dianabol and Sustanon. As a result, consumers get solidified muscle mass and strength. This course lasts 8 weeks. Dianabol and Deca Durabolin should be used during the first 5 weeks. When it comes to Sustanon, it should be administered during the whole cycle (8 weeks).

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