Nandrolone Steroid Powder from buzai232's blog

Androstanolone Mimics the body's own DHT which, as we know, is formed by the conversion of testosterone. Some call Androstanolone a synthetic form of DHT. Andro-stanolone has a predominant androgenic effect due to its structure it cannot be converted to estrogen.Quick power and muscle mass. Andro stanolone is of little value. Androstanolone used for a competition steroid since it helps to obtain a harder muscle and lower fat content from higher androgen levels without aromatizing.Many athletes used Stanolone during training for doping tested championships since the substance is short lived and the testosterone and epitestosterone value is not influenced.Stanolone powder

Stanolone is use for chronic wasting disease, osteoporosis, severe infection and trauma, burn, etc caused by the negative nitrogen balance, promote the growth of premature infants and immature, etc. The fracture is not easy to heal. Hypercholesterolemia and postpartum depression can also be use

How stanolone works ?

Stanolone is identical to the body's own dihydrotestosterone which, as we know, is formed by the peripheral conversion of testosterone. Some therefore call Stanolone a synthetic dihydrotestosterone.
Stanolone has a predominantly androgenic effect and, due to its structure, cannot be converted into estrogen. For a fast buildup of power and muscle mass Stanolone is of little value. Stanolone used to be the athlete's favorite competition steroid since it helped to obtain a harder muscle through a lower fat content by increasing the androgen level without aromatizing. Numerous athletes used Stanolone during workouts for doping tested championships since the substance remains in the body for only a short time and the testosterone/epitestosterone value is not influenced. Another positive characteristic is that the injectable version is not liver toxic

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