Poisons is an ability that enables rogues to coat their Main Hand, Off
Hand, or Ranged weapon with poisons. When a poisoned weapon strikes an
enemy it has a chance of applying a debuff that damages, slows, or
otherwise hinders the enemy, depending on the poison applied. Poisons
are considered a temporary (1-hour) weapon enhancement. Poisons do not
stack with other temporary weapon effects such as a blacksmith's
Sharpening Stones or Weightstones or alchemist's oils. Only one such
temporary weapon enchantment can be active on a weapon at a time.To get
more news about
buy wow gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
Alliance Poison Questline
The Alliance questline is short and easy, although you may encounter the
problem of killing level 24 elite in the second mission. You will visit
Duskwood and Westfall on most of the quest lines. Before you start,
make sure you have at least 70 locks. Talk to Master Mathias Shaw at the
SI: 7 headquarters in Stormwind. Accept the mission: Mathias and
Defias. Travel to southern Westfall and talk to Agent Kearnen. Accept
the quest: Klaven’s Tower. You will need to steal the Defias Tower Key
from a Malformed Drone (level 23 monster near the entrance). Climb up
the tower until you encounter level 24 elite humanoid. If your level is
24 or higher, you can lift Klaven without killing Klaven. Otherwise,
kill him and snatch the chest. Return to Master Mathias Shaw in
Stormwind. You can now buy poison.
Horde Poison — Thistle Tea Questline
The questline starts with the The Shattered Salute quest, which becomes
available from Shenthul in The Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar at Level 20.
After completing that quest, Shenthul will give you the Deep Cover
quest, which requires you to go to The Barrens and use the Flare Gun in
the correct location. If you do, Taskmaster Fizzule will become friendly
and offer you the Mission. In order to get Silixiz's Tower Key, you
must pickpocket him. At the top of the tower, you should find Grand
Foreman Puzik Gallywix and his Lockbox, you must kill him (since he is
an elite, take advantage of Evasion Icon Evasion, First Aid + Gouge Icon
Gouge and Health Potions). With those 3 items, go back to Shenthul in
Orgrimmar and he will give you Recipe: Thistle Tea Icon Recipe: Thistle
Tea. Then, accept the Hinott's Assistance quest from him, which requires
you to go to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills and talk to Serge
Hinott. Once you turn that quest in, pick up Hinott's Assistance from
him and use the Hinott's Oil Icon Hinott's Oil in your inventory and you
will gain the ability to use Poisons Icon Poisons.
The Wall