As the U.S. presidential election approaches, Democratic candidate Biden
has outperformed Trump in approval rating by 17%, indicating Trump
appears to be a busted flush. Analyses and speculations about various
financial trends after Biden takes office have been raging markets. From
my point of view, Biden will raise taxes significantly, which may boost
the greenback at the expense of U.S. stocks in the short term. All of
that said, however, there are few analyses about the impact of
Democrats' return on oil prices.To get more news about
WikiFX, you can visit official website.
the Democrats have policies relatively directed against Russia. Thus it
is expected that the U.S.-China relations will be improved at the
expense of the U.S.-Russian relations after the Democrats come to power.
Biden's antipathy to Russia was evident during the first televised
debate — he slammed Trump as Putin's puppy. One of the reasons for such
antipathy is the Russiagate scandal. The Democrats have been arguing the
Russian meddling in the presidential election four years ago, and they
may avenge Hillary's defeat once they return to power.
The best way
for the U.S. to go against Russia is to keep oil prices low, so as to
weaken its economy by prevent it making profits from oil. In early 2014,
Russia attacked the eastern Ukraine, and soon afterwards, at the end of
July, Obama and the EU jointly announced economic sanctions against
Russia, mainly hampering the country's oil, military and financial
sectors. Oil prices plunged to $26 from $102 in the wake of the news.
Now that Belarus is experiencing political turbulence with the support
from Russia, it is expected that Biden will take advantage of the
situation to battle with Russia after he takes office. In addition, as
Biden stands a good chance of rejoining in the Iran nuclear deal, the
tension in the Middle East will ease off, which also penalizes oil
Moreover, possible vaccines are still the focus of the
market because oil prices may swell once vaccines get flights back on
track. On August 10, gold prices slumped by $166 amid the news that
Russia registered its vaccine. Such an upbeat news, however, trimmed oil
from $43 to $36.1 rather than sending it drastic upsides. I believe the
retaliatory rally in oil prices from -$40 to $43.78 is actually a
reflection for this account. Therefore, oil prices may not see further
rally even hearing the news of economic recovery and resumed flights
amid available vaccines. Conversely, oil prices should also be
uninspiring even the U.S. policies towards Russia turn extremely hawkish
after the Democrats return to power.
The Wall