Deposits allowed while withdrawals not allowed from buzai232's blog

My money of over tens of thousand in my account has been frozen and can not be withdrawn. The customer service always pushed you to deposit funds to designated account to verify your money!To get more news about
Huobi Indonesia, you can visit official website.
A decentralized financial system based on blockchain technology has the potential to enable peer-to-peer (P2P) financial transactions without the need for intermediaries. Although this kind of decentralized financial system can offer a variety of opportunities and benefits, it could also undermine [policy-makers] ability to enforce existing regulations.”
  The FSA began policing the crypto sphere in earnest in 2017, when Japan became one of the first countries in the world to adopt a permit-based system for crypto exchange operators. The agency has since tightened its control over the sector in the wake of the Coincheck hack of early 2018, and holds regular policy-forming sessions – often involving members of the domestic blockchain and crypto industries.

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