keep your deck looking good from qizhenapp's blog

Composite decking is made up of wood fibers and plastics. It is an eco-friendly product made using recycled wood waste products such as scrap wood, saw dust and pulp. Plastic that is added to the mixture might be recycled polyethylene, like plastic soda and juice bottles, or polypropylene. The plastics used are usually recycled, but some decking manufacturers might also use virgin plastics. Wood fibers and plastics are mixed together and color pigments will be added.

After these products are mixed and processed, it is pressed and poured into forms creating solid or hollow shapes forming composite lumber.Wood has been the most common material used for decks. You will need pressure treated lumber and decking planks to help keep moisture out. This helps prevent insect damage, decaying, and rotting.You have to keep the climate of your area in mind when deciding on the materials for your deck. Then decide how much maintenance you want to do to keep your deck looking good. Do you want to spend time relaxing on your deck, or maintaining it?

Related Links:

woods material for fence
how to make wood composite panel
reliability of composite decks

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By qizhenapp
Added Dec 26 '16, 07:45PM


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