Another advantage of composite deck from qizhenapp's blog

Another advantage that these have over wood-tiles is their durability. The wood-tiles decompose with time and may not last for long. However, the composite-tiles are durable and will never decompose. The plastic component in the it protects the them from natural decomposing elements and thereby giving it a much longer life. These are also not affected by weather extremities as is the case with wood decking. These are resistant to suns UV rays, acid rain, cold weather or excessive heat. On the other hand, wood deck-tiles will wear of if exposed to different weather conditions.

The wood decks will either warp, crack or sip water through with time. Another advantage of composite deck is that it is much easier to maintain than wood deck tiles. Wood-tiles require oiling, vanishing and polishing so as to maintain their good looks. This is not the case with composite tiles. These do not fade or keep dirt. You can therefore clean them easily and at less maintenance costs. Since they are manufactured using a mold, you can achieve any kind of shape, design or look with the composite decks. However, the wood decks come with many shaping limitations.

Related Links:

composite plastics as building material
plastic outdoor pla interlocking flooring tiles
plastic direct fix ceiling paneling

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By qizhenapp
Added Dec 27 '16, 07:09PM


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