The best composite deck materials from qizhenapp's blog

The best composite decking materials are composed of different recycled materials, mainly plastics and wood. The best composite decking materials take away the problems of standard wood decking. Wood can fade, be a place mold to develop, crack and splinter. Wood decking requires seasonal treatment by sealing for the deck to maintain its original beauty, durability and feel. In the last 10 years when composite deck materials came to the marketplace, consumers were given some relief from these common maintenance problems typically associated with wood deck materials.

Composite deck materials are generally a bit more expensive than wood materials. The extra cost (sometimes 2 -3 times the cost of wood deck materials) is offset by the money saved in that you do not have the maintenance costs of wood with composite deck materials, it won't deteriorate over time (although some wood deck materials have a long life span) by cracking or splintering requiring replacement. The best composite deck materials have uniform coloring that will last the lifetime of the material.

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By qizhenapp
Added Dec 28 '16, 07:44PM


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