you have two choices: wood or composite from qizhenapp's blog

Part of the process of building a deck is deciding which materials to use for the decking. Basically, you have two choices - wood or composite. In this article, I'll share the pros and cons of each type to help you choose the best one for your deck. The main difference between wood and composite decking is the amount of maintenance required.

Wood decking requires more upkeep than composite, but looks nicer. The companies who manufacture composite decking are doing their best to make their product look like real wood, but so far haven't achieved it. I personally don't think they'll ever be able to match the beauty of real wood. Because of the extra time needed to maintain wood decking, you first need to ask yourself if you have the extra time required to keep a wood deck sealed and looking good.

If you DO have the time and are willing to spend it on your deck, great! Go with wood. If, however, you don't have extra time or don't want to commit to sealing a wood deck once or twice a year, composite might be your best option.Even though wood decks require more upkeep, there is a type of wood that can be used for decking which requires very little or no upkeep.

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By qizhenapp
Added Jan 17 '17, 06:15PM


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