affordable and accessible healthcare services are increasingly looking beyond
domestic borders for such care. Rising Health Care Costs Driving Global Medical
Tourism Rising health care costs in the U.S., coupled with the uncertainty of
new health care legislation prompts growing numbers of Americans to travel
abroad for cheaper medical procedures and surgery. Surgery costs abroad are less
expensive than the U.S. because, for the most part, due to lower medical
malpractice insurance costs. The cost of medical care in the U.S. has increased
substantially, in conjunction with the need for medical care providers to carry
increasingly high levels of such insurance, which in turn drives up the care for
everything from a wellness check to heart valve replacement surgery. Lack of
accessibility to quality medical care and choices in medical care is driving
inhabitants around the Middle East, Africa
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options when it comes to their health and wellness. A handful of procedures
continue to rank high in popularity with travelers seeking the best in care in
destinations from Costa Rica and Panama to South Korea, Croatia and Jordan.
Tourism destination favorites such as Singapore and Thailand continue to offer
world-class treatments and procedures, but other countries and their world-class
facilities are fast catching up. 7 Most Popular Medical Procedures Abroad A
handful of the most popular procedures sought after by travelers offers big
savings, effective treatments and optimal prognosis and results in a variety of
fields, including: Bariatric Surgery - Gastric Bypass Gastric bypass is
generally performed using a technique called Roux-en-Y, a procedure that reduces
the size of the stomach to create a pouch that accepts no more than an ounce or
so of food at a time. In Great Britain and the U.S., costs for bariatric surgery
can cost up to $25,000. The same technique performed in India costs roughly
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around $10,000. Orthopedic Procedures - Hip replacement Conventional hip
replacement surgery involves large incisions made around the hip joint. Muscles
are detached, the ball joint of the hip removed and replaced with a prosthesis
or artificial joint. The artificial joint is attached to the thighbone with
materials that allow bone to reattach to the new joint or by using a cement-like
product. Minimally invasive surgery involves a one or two incision technique
where the length of the incisions are half those that are commonly used for the
conventional hip replacement surgeries. Other than the size of the incision, the
technique for the actual replacement of the ball joint is the same as that in
the conventional surgery. Patients from Iraq, Nigeria and locations throughout
east-central Europe traveling to India, Singapore and Thailand benefit from hip
replacement surgical procedures that cost about $12,000. In India, costs range
around $9,000-$10
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Jerseys ,000. Infertility Treatments - IVF Eggs and sperm are
collected outside of the body and placed together in a laboratory dish to form
into an embryo or embryos in a lab environment. After fertilization, they are
then placed into the uterus of a female recipient. In vitro fertilization is an
option for any couple who have been unsuccessful with other methods. In the
United States, the average cost of one cycle of IVF may average $12,400. The
same procedure in the Argentina costs around $4,000, while Thailand facilities
offer the same procedures for about $4,500. Cardiac Surgery - Heart Valve
Replacement Heart valve replacement surgery replaces heart valves that have
narrowed and obstructed blood flow into or out of the heart. Heart valve
replacement surgeries are often indicated for those suffering from congenital
heart valve diseases or those suffering from heart conditions such as rheumatic
valve disease, coronary artery disease, heart attack damage
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replacement or repair in the United States costs an average of $25,000 per
valve. Mitral valve replacement may cost around $14,000 to $20,000, depending on
hospital location. Multiple valve replacement surgical procedures may cost up to
$100,000. Medical travelers to India, Jordan and Singapore receive quality of
service at greater savings, with single valve replacements generally costing
around $9,500 and double valve replacements costing around $11
Ferland Flames Jersey ,500. Cosmetic Surgery - Face Lifts to Breast
Implants Advanced techniques offer multiple surgical procedures including but
not limited to breast augmentation or reduction, facelifts, nose surgery and
tummy tucks. Liposuction in the U.S., Great Britain and in France or Germany can
The Wall