A few years ago, you would have had to take a trip to a certain shop or
office to be able to send monies to your loved ones in Ghana–and they
would have had to also travel to pick the money up.Try to find ways to
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The advent of technology and the growth of mobile money services
have made it possible to just sit in the comfort of your home in the UK
and other countries, and wire monies to friends and family in Africa.
And instantly, they will receive the money on their mobile phones to be
Taptap Send, which was launched in summer 2018 has enabled the
entreprise of sending and receiving monies across borders to become very
easy and cheap.
Without any hidding fees, Taptap allows you to send money for
free–and currently, they are offering anyone who uses the promo code
TopChris a free £5, on top of how much the perosn is sending.
So, if you sign up today to send £100 to a family member and you
enter the promo code TopChris, the receipient will receive £105–a free
addition of £5.Want to get the highest quality products with the lowest
prices while shopping?
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