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Wherever you go to, whatever country, somewhere on this globe, they all have one thing in common and that is: they all have a government. With the elections coming up in the USA and probably many more countries around the world, a lot of attention has been brought on what lead to these candidates to reach this far. Many have found that this problem wouldn’t be one if the educational system prepared student’s from life and what happens outside the walls of their school. In , if the schools offer one, students college essay writing service reviews only learn how the government works, how everything is linked together and what the roles of each group of people is. They Government classes , however, don’t learn what is the impact of every political party within a country. They don’t learn how much their vote counts and the fact that even they, as a single person, can change the country they live with just one single stamp on a piece of paper. Maybe if the people were taught more on how their government works and what needs to be done to make the country continue its path towards progress, events like Brexit and Donald Trump wouldn’t have happened. 

katherinejfoster Jul 25 '16, 11:37AM · Tags: government classes
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Lazy students are almost always at the bottom of everything. They tend to perform poorly in almost all aspects of their lives. This could be explained by the fact that nature abhors laziness and favors hard work. Students, therefore, must work hard in their education. Hard work is the backbone upon which excellence is built. Your classroom performance in exams and assignments is more often than not a direct reflection of how much hard work is invested in your studies
Nikole Jul 24 '16, 04:51PM
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