Главный аналитик FXStreet Валерия Беднарик прокомментировала краткосрочный прогноз по EUR/USD:To get more news about трейдинг, you can visit wikifx.com official website. «Пара EUR/USD торгуется вблизи сопротивления на 1.1645 (23.6% коррекции последнего дневного снижения). На 4-часовом графике технические индикаторы направлены вверх в пределах зеленой зоне, а пара растет выше все еще бычьей 20 SMA, что говорит в пользу продолжения рота в случае пробоя упомянутого сопротивления. С другой стороны 100 и 200 SMA сохраняют медвежий уклон, держась намного выше текущей цены, что говорит в пользу того, что рост может быть лишь коррективным.
The French financial services provider allegedly committed such violations between 2013 and July 2021.To get more news about Suspicious Regulatory License, you can visit wikifx.com official website. The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced on Wednesday that it filed and settled charges against Societe Generale, a leading financial services provider based in France, for swap valuation data and supervision failures. According to the press release, the French banking services provider failed to comply with certain swap dealer requirements for disclosing mid-market marks to counterparties and reported inaccurate swap valuation data to a swaps data repository. The order stated that between 2013 and July 2021, Societe Generale committed such violations to the CFTC regulations, as it adjusted such daily marks for profit, hedging, or other legally impermissible costs or adjustments. “The order also finds that Société Générale failed to report certain swap valuation data to an SDR accurately. Société Générale also failed to maintain an adequate supervisory system and failed to perform its supervisory obligations diligently with respect to mid-market mark disclosures,” the CFTC noted. That said, the authority imposed a $1,500,000 civil monetary penalty and issued a cease and desist order while asking Societe Generale to meet the compliance requirements on time. “This is another in a series of cases the CFTC has brought highlighting the need for swap dealer registrants to have an adequate supervisory system and controls in place. Swap dealer registrants must ensure that they make complete and accurate disclosures to counterparties and accurately report swap valuation data to SDRs, and must also diligently perform their supervisory duties,” Vincent McGonagle, CFTCs Acting Director of Enforcement, commented on the matter. Recent Swap Dealer Non-compliance Cases For a similar situation, the CFTC recently filed and settled charges against Citibank and Citigroup Global Markets Limited for failing to comply with certain swap dealer requirements. The watchdog argued that Citi did not allegedly report the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) data to a swap repository known as SDR, among other supervision failures.
Against the backdrop of eroding fundamentals, markets become increasingly sensitive to political risks as their capacity for inducing market-wide volatility is amplified. When liberal-oriented ideologies – that is, those favoring free trade and integrated capital markets – are being assaulted on a global scale by nationalist and populist movements, uncertainty-driven volatility is the frequent result.To get more news about xm, you can visit wikifx.com official website. What makes political risk so dangerous and elusive is the limited ability investors have for pricing it in. Traders may therefore find themselves hot under the collar as the global political landscape continues to develop unpredictably. Furthermore, much like the spread of the coronavirus in 2020, political pathogens can have a similar contagion effect. Generally speaking, markets do not really care about political categorizations but are more concerned with the economic policies embedded in the agenda of whoever holds the reigns of the sovereign. Policies that stimulate economic growth typically act as a magnet for investors looking to park capital where it will garner the highest yield. These include the implementation of fiscal stimulus plans, fortifying property rights, allowing for goods and capital to flow freely and dissolving growth-sapping regulations. If these policies create adequate inflationary pressure, the central bank may raise interest rates in response. That boosts the underlying return on local assets, reeling in investors and lifting the currency. Conversely, a government whose underlying ideological predilections go against the gradient of globalization may cause capital flight. Regimes that seek to rip out the threads that have sown economic and political integration usually create a moat of uncertainty that investors do not want to traverse. Themes of ultra-nationalism, protectionism and populism have been frequently shown to have market-disrupting effects. If a state undergoes an ideological realignment,traders will assess the situation to see if it radically alters their risk-reward set up. If so, they may then reallocate their capital and re-formulate their trading strategies to tilt the balance of risk to reward in their favor. Volatility is stoked in doing so however as reformulated trading strategies are reflected in the market-wide redistribution of capital across various assets. EUROPE: EUROSCEPTIC POPULISM IN ITALY
In Italy, the 2018 election roiled regional markets and eventually rippled through virtually the entire financial system. The ascendancy of the anti-establishment right-wing Lega Nord and ideologically-ambivalent 5 Star Movement was founded on a campaign of populism with a built-in rejection of the status quo. The uncertainty accompanying this new regime was then promptly priced in and resulted in significantly volatility. The risk premium for holding Italys assets rose and was reflected in an over-100 percent spike in Italian 10-year bond yields. That showed investors demanding a higher return for tolerating what they perceived to be a higher level of risk. This was also reflected in the dramatic widening of the spread on credit default swaps on Italian sovereign debt amid increased fears that Italy could be the epicenter of another EU debt crisis. The US Dollar, Japanese Yen and Swiss Franc all gained at the expense of the Euro as investors redirected their capital to anti-risk assets. The Euro‘s suffering was prolonged by a dispute between Rome and Brussels over the former’s budgetary ambitions. The governments fiscal exceptionalism was a feature of their anti-establishment nature that in turn introduced greater uncertainty and was then reflected in a weaker Euro. LATIN AMERICA: NATIONALIST-POPULISM IN BRAZIL
While President Jair Bolsonaro is generally characterized as a fire-brand nationalist with populist underpinnings, the market reaction to his ascendency was met with open arms by investors. His appointment of Paulo Guedes – a University of Chicago-trained economist with a penchant for privatization and regulatory restructuring – boosted sentiment and investors confidence in Brazilian assets.
金融商品取引業者(FX業者)は、2007年9月に施行された金融商品取引法第46条の6第2項にて、自己資本規制比率を120%以上に保つことが義務付けられています。To get more news about マネックス証券, you can visit wikifx.com official website. 自己資本規制比率とは 金融商品取引業者の経営の健全性(安心して利用できる経営状況か)を測る指標のこと。金融商品取引業者が、金融商品取引業を行う上で、保有資産の価格変動等のリスクが顕在化した場合でも、短期間に対応できる支払い能力を有しているかどうかを示す指標です。 自己資本規制比率の義務2 自己資本規制比率は、毎年3月、6月、9月、12月の四半期ごとに算出し、営業所やホームページ上などで公開する必要があります。 FX会社の自己資本規制比率は、200%~500%台が一般的です。 FX会社は自己資本規制比率が高い方が、緊急事態が起きた場合も自己資本で資金をカバーできると考えられます。
Kepala Ekonom Bank Dunia Kawasan Asia Timur dan Pasifik, Aaditya Mattoo, memprediksi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia akan mendekati angka 5% pada 2022 mendatang meskipun sempat mengalami tekanan akibat Covid-19 pada 2020 dan 2021.To get more news about ids international, you can visit wikifx.com official website. “Kami sangat optimis tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun depan bisa mendekati 5%, dan ini menjadi suatu perbaikan tersendiri,” ujar Mattoo dalam World Bank East Asia and Pacific Economic Update Briefing yang dilakukan secara daring, Selasa (28/9/2021). Keyakinannya tersebut berangkat dari pantauannya terhadap upaya Pemerintah Indonesia yang menggunakan pendekatan hybrid dalam mengatasi pandemi Covid-19. Artinya, pemerintah berupaya melakukan pengetatan mobilitas untuk menangani kesehatan, tetapi tetap berusaha menjaga perekonomian dalam waktu yang sama. Lebih lanjut, ia juga memuji percepatan program vaksinasi serta program 3T (tracing, testing, treatment) yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Menurutnya, apabila seluruh uaya ini dilakukan bersamaan, Indonesia akan dapat mengatasi Covid-19. “Penyakit ini tidak akan hilang, tapi langkah ini akan membangkitkan ekonomi,” tuturnya. Meskipun begitu, ia mengakui masih ada beberapa tantangan bagi Indonesia dalam upaya vaksinasi. “Ini adalah negara yang sangat terdesentralisasi sehingga mereka harus mampu melakukan lebih banyak hal untuk mengatasinya, terutama terkait distribusi dan anggaran vaksinasi,” katanya.
Renko chart là một cách để xem biến động giá tài sản để lọc ra những biến động giá nhỏ. Bởi vì khi biến động nhỏ bị loại bỏ giúp xu hướng giá dễ phát hiện hơn. Đặc điểm đó khiến Renko trở thành biểu đồ giá ưa thích đối với một số nhà giao dịch.To get more news about renko chart là gì, you can visit wikifx.com official website. 1. Renko chart là gì? Renko chart là một loại biểu đồ do người Nhật phát triển, được xây dựng bằng cách sử dụng chuyển động giá chứ không lấy cả dữ liệu giá và thời gian tiêu chuẩn như hầu hết các biểu đồ khác. Nó được đặt tên theo từ tiếng Nhật “renga”, có nghĩa là “gạch” vì biểu đồ trông giống như một loạt các viên gạch. Một viên gạch mới được tạo khi giá di chuyển một lượng cụ thể và mỗi khối được đặt ở một góc 45 độ (lên hoặc xuống) so với viên gạch trước đó. Một viên gạch tăng thường có màu trắng hoặc xanh lá, trong khi một viên gạch giảm thường có màu đen hoặc đỏ. 2. Cách hoạt động của Renko chart Renko chart được thiết kế để lọc ra các biến động giá nhỏ nhằm giúp nhà giao dịch tập trung vào các xu hướng quan trọng dễ dàng hơn. Mặc dù điều này làm cho xu hướng dễ phát hiện hơn nhưng nhược điểm là một số thông tin về giá bị mất do cấu trúc đơn giản của biểu đồ Renko. Bước đầu tiên trong việc tạo Renko chart là thiết lập kích thước viên gạch. Nó có thể là $0,1 trên thị trường chứng khoán hoặc 10 pips trên thị trường ngoại hối. Một viên gạch hình thành trên Renko chart sau khi giá đã di chuyển số tiền đó, chứ không phải trước đó. Mặt khác, biểu đồ nến cho thấy sự chuyển động của giá trong một khoảng thời gian chẳng hạn như một phút hoặc một ngày. Mặc dù có trục thời gian dọc theo đáy biểu đồ Renko, nhưng không có giới hạn thời gian đặt cho thời gian hình thành hộp Renko, có thể mất 2,5 phút, 3 giờ hoặc 8 ngày. Tất cả phụ thuộc vào mức độ biến động của tài sản và kích thước gạch bạn đặt. Renko chart có hiệu quả trong việc xác định mức hỗ trợ và kháng cự vì ít nhiễu hơn nhiều so với biểu đồ nến. Khi một xu hướng mạnh hình thành, nhà giao dịch Renko có thể đi theo xu hướng đó trong một thời gian dài trước khi viên gạch theo hướng ngược lại xuất hiện. Các tín hiệu giao dịch thường được tạo ra khi hướng của xu hướng thay đổi và các viên gạch thay đổi màu sắc. 3. Sử dụng Renko chart trong giao dịch như thế nào? Cách đơn giản nhất để giao dịch với đồ thị Renko đó là giao dịch Breakout. Mặc dù chúng ta nhìn backtest trên biểu đồ Renko này chúng ta thấy nó sẽ rất đúng đắn nhưng trong thực tế đây cũng là một đồ thị tĩnh. Giá có thể chạy rất xa trước khi đóng cửa và tạo một viên gạch khác màu. Do bản chất hành động giá cơ bản của Renko, các nhà giao dịch thường sử dụng các chỉ báo kỹ thuật để cung cấp thông tin bổ sung trong biểu đồ của họ và củng cố hoặc cảnh báo chống lại các tín hiệu mua và bán. Chẳng hạn, sự hội tụ / phân kỳ trung bình động (MACD) là một thước đo động lượng giá cho tín hiệu tăng khi đường MACD vượt qua đường tín hiệu và tín hiệu giảm khi đường MACD đi qua đường tín hiệu. Cả hai dòng được tạo bằng cách sử dụng giá trung bình động theo cấp số nhân trong các khoảng thời gian khác nhau, với giá gần đây hơn cho trọng số lớn hơn. 4. Tại sao nên dùng Renko thay cho nến Nhật? Sự khác biệt nổi bật nhất đó là Renko mượt mà hơn. Mỗi viên gạch trong Renko có giá khá giống nhau, tạo cho biểu đồ một diện mạo đồng nhất. Còn trên biểu đồ nến Nhật, mỗi thân nến và bóng của nó xuất hiện khác nhau. Một viên gạch Renko mới luôn hình thành ở góc trên cùng hoặc dưới cùng bên phải của viên gạch Renko cuối cùng, có nghĩa là hành động giá luôn được mô tả ở góc 45 độ. Điều đó có nghĩa là các viên gạch không bao giờ bên cạnh nhau. Một điểm khác biệt lớn giữa hai loại biểu đồ là biểu đồ Renko không luôn cung cấp cho bạn thông tin mới nhất. Biểu đồ chỉ cập nhật khi một viên gạch mới được tạo. Biểu đồ nến và biểu đồ Renko được chụp cùng một lúc thường hiển thị các mức giá khác nhau. Đó là bởi vì biểu đồ nến luôn hiển thị giá hoặc giao dịch cuối cùng (giả sử bạn có báo giá theo thời gian thực), trong khi biểu đồ Renko hiển thị giá đã tạo ra viên gạch cuối cùng. Bởi vì biểu đồ Renko dựa trên kích thước gạch, chúng cũng sẽ không phản ánh chính xác mức giá cao hoặc thấp của tài sản đạt được. Kích thước gạch càng nhỏ, thông tin giá sẽ cập nhật nhanh hơn trên biểu đồ Renko. Nhưng một kích thước gạch nhỏ hơn cũng sẽ làm cho biểu đồ trông rối hơn.
Investors sidelined the British pound on gas shortage, higher inflation concerns, economic slowdown and Brexit woes.To get more news about ingot brokers, you can visit wikifx.com official website. The GBP/USD pair remains muted following the previous days downfall. The pair crumbled below 1.3600 for the first time since July on fresh strength in the greenback and the UK domestic factors,which acted as headwind for the sterling. At the time of writing, GBP/USD is trading at 1.3546, up 0.07% for the day. Investors ditched risky assets in the wake of Chinas Evergrande default risk and growing concerns on the pace of global economic recovery. Dow Jones lost almost 570 points whereas Nasdaq fell more than 2% since March. The risk sentiment cooled down a little after Evergrande Group said it plans to sell a $1.5 billion stake in Shengjing Bank ltd. It is worth mentioning that S&P 500 Futures is trading at 4,365.50 with 0.51% gains. The US Dollar Index (DXY) trades, which tracks the performance of the greenback against its six major rivals, pares some of its earlier gains and retreats slightly below 93.70. Earlier in the day, the greenback zoomed to its highest in more than 10-months, tracing the rise in US Treasury bond yields. The US benchmark 10-year Treasury yields rose to 1.54% and continued to feed on the US Federal Reserve hawkish stance. The gains were contained further for the US dollar as US Senate Republicans blocked a bid by the US President Joe Bidens Democrats to head off a potentially crippling US credit default. Meanwhile, St. Louis President James Brian Bullard forecasted 5.8% US Gross Domestic Growth (GDP) for 2021. On the other hand, the British pound struggled with many of its domestic factors starting with a surge in gas prices with a run on fuel stations. Furthermore, the sharp rise in gas and fuel prices heightens inflationary concerns and economic slowdown fears. As for now, traders keep their focus on the release of the UK‘s Bank of England (BOE) Consumer Credit, and the US and the UK central banks’ officers' speeches to gauge the market sentiment.
The Australian Dollar remains slightly higher versus the US Dollar after China‘s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported mixed PMI data. The purchasing managers’ index for the manufacturing sector fell into contractionary territory to 49.6 in September, missing the consensus expectation of 50.0 and down from 50.1 in August. PMI for the services sector (non-manufacturing) crossed the wires at 53.2, beating estimates of 49.8.To get more news about ids international, you can visit wikifx.com official website. The composite reading rose to 51.7 from 48.9 – which indicates an overall expansion in activity across the two sectors. Chinas Caixin Global released its own report for manufacturing activity, which crossed the wires at 50.0 versus an expected 49.5. Caixin surveys small to medium sized firms compared to larger firms in the NBS survey. The data may show that smaller firms have skirted the larger impact of policy measures to limit pollution and curb energy usage. AUD/USD gave a moderate upside reaction to the data, with traders appearing to focus on the rosy services sector data versus the drop into contractionary territory in the manufacturing sector. The Chinese government has favored support to consumers rather than factories and industry in recent months. The People‘s Bank of China (PBOC) shifted into a more supportive stance following the Evergrande Group’s missed interest payments. The initial news wires over China‘s second largest real estate developer and its inability to service its debt obligations roiled global markets earlier this month. However, traders appear to have overestimated contagion risks at first. The PBOC’s amped up support has also helped to cool jitters, with increased liquidity injections through 7- and 14-day reverse repos. China is also facing a potential energy crisis as power grid demand rises alongside a commensurate rise in energy fuel products like natural gas and coal. Beijing is responding by capping the rates at which power plants can charge customers. At the same time, policymakers are curbing production across factories to cool demand. This will likely keep manufacturing activity suppressed for the time being. On the other hand, these decisions bode well for Chinas consumer base – which may underpin services activity. AUD/USD prices are rebounding modestly after piercing below a level of support during this weeks risk-off trading. Bulls are unlikely to take the prior support level unless upside momentum accelerates substantially, with prices down near a full percent on the week. MACD is tracking lower on the 8-hour time frame, suggesting healthy downside momentum.
In the market of commodity futures, energy futures continue to outperform their counterparts. The majority of this kind have enjoyed the increase by over 50%, among which the most outstanding ones are natural gas and coal futures. The former has risen by 138% since early this year, and the latter has soared by 154%. WTI Crude Oil that most people pay attention to has also increased by 57%. A reason for the rapid growth of prices in this regard is that natural gas and coal are in short supply, combing with winter approaching in the northern hemisphere. It is believed that the market of three energy futures mentioned above may continue to be bullish as the whole world witnesses the energy shortage to different extents currently.To get more news about ic markets, you can visit wikifx.com official website. The surge of energy prices is conducive to the economy and currency of energy exporters. Therefore, CAD performed well in the last week. It is estimated that the short-term USD/CAD is likely to reach the level at 1.2500 even 1.2422. However, it is worth noticing that the fallout from this surge is the fast escalating inflation in the U.S. instead of the transient one implied by Powell. The inflation data announced by the U.S. in the future may grow dramatically, thus increasing the pressure on the Federal Reserve (Fed) in the field of interest-rate hikes and leading to its introduction ahead of schedule next year. If this comes true, USD will get benefits. The U.S.10-year government bond interest rate has reached 1.5% plus, which indicates that the financial market has predicted that the U.S. has a chance to bring hikes forward. The 2021 German federal election concluded where no party has pocketed over 30% of total votes. Hence, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) that secured 25.7% of votes plans to lead a grand coalition with the Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP). SPD is less left-leaning than the Greens, whereas FDP is right-leaning, according to their political platforms generally comprised of tax hikes and the increase in welfare expenditure. Capitalists in Germany who disagree with these policies have taken the lead in transferring their assets to Switzerland for tax avoidance in the future. The financial market also concerns that the political platform of SPD may give rise to a fiscal crisis in the country. Consequently, the trend of EUR can remain under pressure because of an uncertain political prospect. The situation where EUR is under pressure is favorable to DXY. I am prudently optimistic about the trend of DXY in the fourth quarter. However, USD may face a different story. For example, if the pressure of increasing interest rates in Canada and New Zealand is heavier than that in the U.S., their currencies will perform neck and neck in the market. As for USD/EUR, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, and USD/AUD, the market boasts a bullish trend from my perspective.