Ahh, Blacksmithing. One of World of Warcraft's most popular professions,
no matter the expansion, including in WoW Classic.To get more news
buy wow classic gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
is one of the few professions that splits into specialties after Level
200. You can then choose to specialize in either Weaponsmithing or
Armorsmithing. This is an important decision, as you cannot go back on
your choice unless you unlearn Blacksmithing as a whole and start all
over again.
Here, we'll be touching on the locations of each trainer for both Alliance and Horde characters.
level at which a trainer can train you is listed under their name in
each instance. I don't go into "Journeyman" or "Apprentice" or any of
that here, since functionally, what matters is the level.There is one
neutral trainer, Brikk Keencraft, who can be found in Booty Bay in
Stranglethorn Vale.
Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing can be
picked up at skill Level 200, after having completed the requisite
profession quests. After which, you'll be sent on a quest to specialize
in one or the other.
The Wall